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Little Doctor School 2 – First Aid, Brain, Spine, & “That Is Gross!”

Young aspiring doctors will find their passions come alive in this fun educational journey through the medical profession. In this six-hour course, children will learn the importance of first aid and how to respond to common minor injuries. They’ll also build their own model brain to take home, learn about the spine, and how to read a prescription. Plus, this course includes the kid favorite, “That Is Gross,” in which they learn all about gas and mucus, and even make homemade snot!

This course was designed by a team of board-certified physicians, and is led by trained and background-checked instructors passionate about sharing their medical knowledge with our students. Watch your child beam with pride when he or she earns a diploma on graduation day!


First Aid

Learn how to respond when first aid is needed for scrapes, burns, and cuts. They'll even create their own take home first aid kit!

The Wonderful Brain!

Students learn key facts including how it works, and they get to build their own model of the brain!

That is Gross!

Students learn about gas and why we burp. They'll also cover mucus and boogers, where they'll get to make their own snot to take home!

Your Spine is Fine!

Learn about what the spine does, the different classifications, and make a spine model!


Learn what a prescription is and what information it needs to contain.  They'll gain an understanding of how pharmacists dispense prescriptions and even practice writing their own take home prescriptions!

Review and Graduation

Students learn about becoming a doctor and design their own office. A graduation ceremony is performed with a diploma!



6 hours of total instruction, your choice of:

  • Six 1-hour sessions
  • Three 2-hour sessions
  • One 6-hour session

Class Size:

8-12 students per class, recommended*

Age Range:

6-12 years (regular curriculum)
3-5 years (pre-reader curriculum)

What LMS Provides:

One trained LMS instructor per class and a “Doctor’s Bag” activity kit for each student to keep

*To ensure our instructors may provide personal attention to every student, we recommend 8-12 students per class. For larger groups, we will provide multiple instructors and separate the group into smaller classes. If you have a unique circumstance, please contact us to discuss our custom programs.


Every student receives a kit with items to use during class and take home at the end of the program.

White Coat (disposable)

ID Badge

First Aid Kit

Brain Model & Worksheet

Homemade Snot

Spine Model & Worksheet

Bingo Card

“Design Your Own Office” Worksheet


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