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Wilderness Medicine

Wilderness Medicine

All kids love to play outdoors. This fun, fascinating, and thoroughly educational program lets them take it to a whole other level. Over six hours of interactive instruction, kids will have a chance to learn about snake bites, hypothermia, water safety, tourniquets, broken bones, and mosquitoes!

This course was designed by a team of board-certified physicians and is led by a trained and background-checked instructor passionate about sharing their medical knowledge.  When your child receives his or her diploma on graduation day, they’ll beam with pride and be ready to teach you everything they’ve learned.


Snake Bites

Learn about poisonous snakes and different types of venom. Understand the steps that must be taken when someone is bitten by a snake and how to properly treat a snake bite!


Students will learn the signs and symptoms of hypothermia, and discover the difference between mild, moderate and severe diagnosis. They will also practice treating hypothermia and know when to get medical attention.

Water Safety

Discover how dirty or contaminated water can cause disease. Discuss ways to clean water so it is safe to drink and use, and make a water filter to clean water.

Tourniquets and Broken Bones

Students will learn how to apply a tourniquet and understand when to use one, as well as splint a broken leg. Know what steps to take if someone injures themselves in the wilderness.


Discuss “fun facts” about mosquitoes and know the different types of diseases they transmit. Students will also understand how to protect themselves from getting bitten.


Learn 20 Ways to Use a Bandana and play Wilderness Medicine Bingo. Graduate from Little Wilderness Medicine School!




6 hours of total instruction, your choice of:

  • Six 1-hour sessions
  • Three 2-hour sessions
  • Custom combination

Class Size:

8-12 students per class, recommended*

Age Range:

6-12 years (regular curriculum)

4-5 years (pre-reader curriculum)

What LMS Provides:

One trained LMS instructor per class, as well as a thermal blanket, bandanas, and select activity supplies for each student.

*To ensure our instructors may provide personal attention to every student, we recommend 8-12 students per class. For larger groups, we will provide multiple instructors and separate the group into smaller classes. If you have a unique circumstance, please contact us to discuss our custom programs.

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