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How germs and viruses make us sick?

How germs and viruses make us sick?

Germs and viruses are all around us.

Germs and viruses are tiny little microorganisms all around us that exist. They are invisible, so small that you can’t see them at all, but they can enter our bodies, and these germs can make us sick. Sickness caused by germs are called infectious diseases.
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Germ Infections: Bacterial vs. Viral

Viruses and bacteria can cause many common infections, but there are differences between these two kinds of diseases.


Ever wonder what they are?

Well, bacteria are tiny single-cell microorganisms. They can come in a large variety of shapes and have a variety of structural features. Bacteria can live in any environment, and they can live in or on a human body. However, only a handful of bacteria can cause infections in humans. Another name for infectious bacteria is pathogenic bacteria. Many bacterial infections are contagious, which means that they are transmitted from person to person.

Viruses are the other type of microorganism. They are usually much smaller than bacteria; however, they also come in various shapes and features. Viruses are parasites that mean they will require a living cell or tissue to grow and multiply. Viruses can invade cells in your body and can even kill the host cells. Viral infections are also contagious.


Treating Infectious Diseases

Doctors can diagnose your condition by a physical examination. If they can’t, then they usually take a sample to determine if your illness is due to a bacterial infection or viral infection.
They would usually treat bacterial infection by prescribing you antibiotics.
With viral infections, treatment is more around the symptoms while letting the disease run its course. Otherwise, for some viral infections, you would be requested to take anti-viral medication.

You can help prevent the spread of bacterial and viral infections by practicing good hygiene, staying at home when you’re sick and getting vaccinated.


They all around us


While we can’t see these germs if we looked through a microscope you will see that they are all around us. 


Here are some of their favorite hiding places:

  • bathrooms
  • kitchen countertops
  • doorknobs
  • gaming devices and cellphones.

germs are everywhere


They’re able to spread easily as they can float in the air, survive in water, live on doorknobs and they are everywhere.

Here are some fun facts about germs:

  • They can survive on your hands for three hours.
  • You could have between 2 to 10 million germs on your fingertips and elbows.
  • After you go to the bathroom the number of germs on your hand’s doubles.
  • When you don’t wash your hands, you spread these germs to food and drinks you eat and other surfaces you touch.
  • Damp hands spread 1,000 times more germs than dry hands.


We have summarized this content in this educational video we trust that you will enjoy it.

Just remember that there are germs out there and that they can make you sick.

We can protect ourselves from germs.

We can destroy these germs. To protect ourselves from germs, we must eat well and build our immune system by eating lots of veggies and fruits. A healthy body is a powerful body.

washing hands to kill germs
Wash your hands 

  • Regularly, wash your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds as clean hands help prevent germs from entering our bodies.
  • Sing happy birthday twice when washing your hands, scrub your hands all over the front and back, around the fingernails, and between the fingers. Some other song suggestions are:
    • row row row your boat
    • if you’re happy and you know it, wash your hands.
germ safty children wearing a mask Wear a mask 

Everyone should wear a mask as this helps prevent the spread of viruses. Also follow social distancing guidelines which tell us to stay 6 feet apart from people.

The CDC has release guidelines about preventing the spread of Covid-19, make sure to check this out.  Things to Know about the COVID-19 Pandemic

Kids younger than 2 years old shouldn’t cover their faces.

  Cover your cough or sneeze 

To keep your hands clean and germs contained, cough or sneeze into the crook of your elbow, then wash your hands. Germs are fond of spreading from one sick individual to another, so try to keep your germs to yourself.

family doing safe activities Make sure you do activities that are safe

Only do activities that our local authorities or you parents think are safe.



Our Germ fighting frontline heroes

germ fighting heroes Coronavirus has had a significant impact on our world as it made millions of people sick. Many documentaries warn us that the next pandemic is inevitable. In the not-so-distant past, Coronavirus brought our fragile medical system to its knees. Our frontline heroes worked tirelessly to keep us safe.

This pandemic has changed life for everyone as we navigate this uncertainty. Suppose there is anything we have learned from this pandemic. In that case, health care professionals are essential to our daily existence and survival.

Little Medical School Seattle thanks our frontline heroes who tirelessly risked their lives so we can stay safe. 

Our future frontline heroes

As the world evolves, our aging population and various other factors will continue to challenge our health care system. The need for skilled health professionals will be a crucial part of meeting these challenges head-on. Little Medical school strives to play an essential role by inspiring our children to become future frontline heroes. Germ frontline heros

Inspiring young minds is what we do.

Experience Educators, board-certified physicians, and trained healthcare professionals develop engaging programs. Children explore the exciting world of healthcare through hands-on activities, role-play, and interactive demonstrations.

Our STEM-based curriculum caters to after school programs, summer camps, preschool activities, birthday parties, and corporate initiatives. To learn more about this fantastic program,


Germs - Launch Sale Limit time introductory offer

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*Our content is for education purposes only and not as a substitute for professional medical advice. 


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