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“Little Medical School - Seattle has been a wonderful program for my daughter. She was in classes like Little Vet School where she became so interested in animals. She learned how to care for a pet as well as medical things she has been able to apply to her own pet. She even wants to be a vet! We love that Little Medical School provides us with hands-on activities that encourage practical life skills.”

- Parent's Testimony

“My son had a great time at Little Medical School Camp- Little Vet School. Campers learned about vets and the work they do taking care of animals with an emphasis on dogs. The content was well organized. The supplies needed for the lessons each day were labeled and packed in individual Ziplock bags and mailed to the participants before the beginning of camp so campers were prepared each day to learn and do a new skill/activity. They learned about the dog's anatomy and how to label the different body parts. I learned a lot too! The content was relevant to my son since he has a dog at home and he performed numerous measurements and checks on her. at home, They also learned about common illnesses faced by dogs and how to watch for symptoms and treat them. The teacher was kind and worked well with all the students. They also had fun quizzes and riddles at the end of the day. It was a fun and educational experience for the campers. Hope you have more offerings in the future!”

- S. Wickramsingha

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