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Covid-19 Safety Procedures

As a leader in after-school and supplemental healthcare programing, we have developed a post Coronavirus Checklist System, based on CDC recommendations, for safe and effective learning outside the classroom. Our number one priority is the health and wellbeing of our participants and their families and we all play an important role in keeping our community safe and healthy for everyone. To that end we have created a system that takes every precaution to safeguard communities and clients.

Below are our Health Safety Requirements implemented to protect participants and staff.

1. Before any participant enters our learning space, instructor will sanitize all surfaces and materials. This includes but is not limited to: door handles, tables, desks, work spaces, chairs, light fixtures, sink handles, bathroom facilities, white board and pens, all materials used for course.

2. Upon entry to the classroom space, all children and caregivers will sanitize their hands with sanitizer or soap before check in. We will ensure handwashing strategies include washing with soap and water or other CDC approved sanitizers for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom; before eating; and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing. We will provide soap and water and place hand sanitizers in multiple locations to encourage hand hygiene. We will provide tissues and wipes with no-touch disposal receptacles.

3. All outside material must be disposable including lunches, drinks, etc. and will be left in a designated area in the classroom, separate from other children’s belongings. All external items will be accessed when in use and will be returned to space or discarded when done. Any medicines or other required items can be brought in a plastic bag with your name on and will be stored and kept in a sanitized area for the duration of the class.

4. The instructor will continually wipe down surfaces and materials throughout the duration of the class with commercial grade sanitizer wipes. All materials and hand outs will only be distributed by the instructor, who will disinfect their hands before and after handing out material. All weekly supplies will be stored separately at camp under the child’s name and can go home with the camper at the end of the camp session.

5. We will administer a No Share policy. Each student will receive a writing utensils that will be their’s for the duration of the class. Children will be appropriately spaced in compliance with the CDC guidelines for the the entirety of the class.

6. We have instituted a health policy with our instructors to not work if they have any cold or flu symptoms or are just not feeling well. Only instructors that are in good health will be able to administer classes. Parents and caregivers must follow the same restriction. We reserve the right to send any participant home who is showing signs or symptoms of illness.

7. Each child will sanitize their hands before, during and upon leaving the facility.

8. At the end of each class, the facility and all material will be carefully disinfected and cleaned by the instructor.

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