Where does our STEM Educational Services Franchise for children come from?
As a mother of three, I have struggled to find high quality, educational offerings in the STEM field for my children. There were so many offering in engineering, coding, robotics and chemistry. But I wasn’t finding anything for my grade school children in the medical field. The doctor in me knew there was an opportunity since other parents were looking for these same types of courses. That is why I founded the child education franchise Little Medical School. I wanted to share the learning experiences that my Pediatrician mother created for me when I was a kid, which inspired me to pursue becoming a physician.
LMS Ideal Child Education Franchise System
Our franchise model has allowed us to expose children in 59 markets domestic and international markets to our inspiring and creative programming, that focuses on numerous healthcare careers. Additionally, we are teaching kids how their bodies work, healthy habits, and life-saving skills. Our child education franchise model is an excellent vehicle for our unique curriculum. Which relies on the power of role-play to teach our lessons to children ages 1-14. Our child education franchise owners come from all types of backgrounds. We have physicians, nurses, pharmacists, IT specialists, teachers and business owners. Despite their diverse backgrounds, they all share the passion for inspiring children to explore a successful future.
Top Franchise Program for Children
Whether a child wants to be a surgeon, dentist, a public health nurse. As well as vet tech, emergency medical tech, or a dietitian. Our franchises have hundreds of hours of curriculum that they can bring to the local market. Through after-school programs, summer camps, special events such as scout badges or field trips. Birthday parties are another great way to expose children to keep STEM concepts in a fun and engaging way! Little Medical School is a child education franchise that I am proud to offer to markets across the country an world.