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STEM Activity: Disgustingly Delightful Fart Putty Experiment (#Gross Science Series)

Get ready for a hilariously gross science experiment that will have your kids laughing and learning. In this activity, we’ll be creating a special concoction called “Fart Putty” that mimics the sounds and squishy feel of a gassy bodily function. This hands-on experiment explores the properties of polymers and the science of gases. So, let’s dive in and create some disgustingly delightful fart putty!

Disgustingly Delightful Fart Putty Gross Science STEM Activity

Supplies needed:
– White school glue (1/2 cup)
– Liquid starch (1/2 cup)
– Baking soda (1 tablespoon)
– Vinegar (1 tablespoon)
– Mixing bowl
– Stirring spoon
– Optional: Food coloring (color of your choice)

Step 1: To start off this gross science experiment, pour 1/2 cup of white school glue into the mixing bowl.

Step 2: Add 1 tablespoon of baking soda to the glue and mix well. This will help create the bubbling effect in the fart putty.

Step 3: If desired, add a few drops of food coloring to the mixture and stir until the color is evenly distributed.

Step 4: Slowly add 1/2 cup of liquid starch to the bowl while continuously stirring the mixture. As you pour, you’ll notice the texture changing and the putty forming.

Step 5: Keep stirring until the mixture becomes too difficult to stir with the spoon. At this point, use your hands to knead and stretch the putty until it reaches the desired consistency. You can add a small amount of additional liquid starch if the putty is too sticky.

Step 6: Now, it’s time to make it fart! Take a small amount of the putty and flatten it slightly. Place a drop of vinegar in the center and quickly fold and squeeze the putty together. As the vinegar reacts with the baking soda, the putty will make a funny farting sound.

Step 7: Continue experimenting by adding different amounts of vinegar to observe how it affects the farting sound and the putty’s texture.

Step 8: Enjoy playing with your fart putty by stretching, squeezing, and making silly fart sounds!

*Safety recommendations:
– Adult supervision is recommended during the activity, especially when handling vinegar.
– Encourage children not to consume the putty, as it is not edible.
– Remind them to wash their hands after the activity.

As your children have a blast with their fart putty, take the opportunity to discuss some educational points related to the science behind it:
– Explain that gases, such as carbon dioxide, are released when vinegar reacts with baking soda, resulting in the farting sound and bubbles in the putty.
– Discuss the role of polymers in creating the stretchy and squishy texture of the putty.
– Encourage children to explore the properties of the putty, such as its ability to stretch, mold, and make funny sounds.

This gross science activity not only provides laughter and entertainment but also promotes learning about polymers, chemical reactions, and the properties of gases. Enjoy the disgustingly delightful experience of making and playing with fart putty! Remember, science can be silly too! Tag us on your creations on Facebook or Instagram!

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