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Summer Camps For Future Healthcare Heroes

As we have learned in the past few years, healthcare heroes are the stitching that keeps our country together. They tend to the wounded, heal the sick, and continue to inspire us every day with their amazing sacrifice for the greater good. But where do these future healthcare heroes come from? Who inspires the children of today to pursue the medical fields of tomorrow? One answer to that question is our summer camps in healthcare!

Kids who attend either our Little Doctor School summer camps or Little Veterinarian School summer camps start envisioning themselves as future doctors, surgeons, or even veterinarians. These summer camps, while packed full of accurate, educational information, also include many hands-on activities which are perfect for all types of young learners. 


Little Doctor School

Children have an innate curiosity for the things around them, including doctors, medicine, and how the human body works. If you have ever spent any time around children, you’ve definitely heard a question or two about those subjects. 

“Why do we have blood?”, “How do our muscles work?”, “How does medicine make me feel better?”

Every kid has questions about health and the body, and our summer camps are the perfect place to help answer some of these questions.

During our summer camps, students will learn about a variety of different medical instruments, how each instrument is properly used, and more. Following each explanation is a hands-on demonstration where the students get to test out what they’ve learned.

Besides learning some of the basic instruments, students will attend classes on the function of certain parts of the body, including the lungs, heart, and brain. The importance of each organ is expressed in class and paired with a corresponding activity. 

Something else that is taught at our summer camps is the significance of medications and prescriptions. This includes a lesson on not only how to read pharmaceutical labels, but the importance those labels play in understanding how the medication works, possible side effects, and reactions to other food or drink.


Little Veterinarian School

If your child has a deep sense of compassion for animals, then our Little Veterinarian School summer camp may be the perfect camp to nurture their interest! 

In our Little Veterinarian School summer camps, the lessons are structured to educate children on the way veterinarians take care of pets and other animals. There are hands-on examples of procedures that a veterinarian would do, and educational information on how to examine a pet for illnesses. The information they learn ranges from how to take the basic measurements of a dog, to safe and effective tick removal. 

Every student that attends our Little Veterinarian School’s summer camps also gets to take part in a mock-veterinarian office lesson. This includes each student playing a part as either a veterinarian, vet tech, or receptionist. Each role is given responsibilities and expectations, then the children help set up the clinic. This allows students to experience what it would be like to work at an actual veterinarian’s office through cooperative, role-play learning. 


Looking For An Amazing Summer Camp? 

The summer is right around the corner and before you know it, the season will be here. It is important for a child to have some structured, educational activities scheduled, and our Little Doctor School summer camps or Little Veterinarian School summer camps are absolutely able to fit these needs. 

Each summer camp provides a fun and fulfilling peek into the medical field through adventurous learning, whether it’s for humans or animals. Enroll your kid in a Little Doctor School summer camp or Little Veterinarian School summer camp to watch as their passion develops over the summer and through their lifetime!


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