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How To Pick A Good Educational Summer Camp

Summer is here! For the most part, we remember fondly and joyfully the seemingly endless, carefree summer days of our childhood. However, as parents, some may have conflicting feelings about this time of year for their kids. How can you juggle kids and work? How can you avoid the cries of “I’m bored!”? Is there a good educational summer camp you can enroll them in? Why have your groceries and electricity bills risen so dramatically (hint, everyone is boredom eating all the pop-tarts you bought for the next two weeks)?

The answer to the question before the grocery bill increase is yes, there are lots of educational summer camps available to look into signing your kid up for. But with so many out there, picking one can be overwhelming. And very high pressure.

This is why we put together a list of things you can use when looking for an educational summer camp. Check them out!


What qualities should parents seek in a good educational summer camp?

They should strive to have:

  • Daily possibilities for reading, math, or other educational enrichment, and relaxation.
  • Engrossing and high-interest activities.
  • Positive interaction and fun between instructors and the kids.
  • A disciplined, safe learning environment.
  • Low student-to-staff ratios and personalized attention.
  • Potential support for English language learners with bilingual staff.
  • Specialized professionals, such as psychologists, social workers, occupational therapists, teachers, or speech and language pathologists, work in specialized camps for kids with learning challenges.

Parents are often forced to choose a summer camp months before they have the opportunity to visit.


So what questions can parents ask ahead of time to assess a summer program’s quality and suitability for their kid’s needs or interests?

  • What is the goal of the program?
  • What is the length of time that the program has been running?
  • What is the structure of a normal day or week? What will kids do with their free time?
  • What are the hours and dates of the program?
  • Is there any kind of before or aftercare available?
  • Will kids have access to physical activity?
  • How does the program evaluate or measure growth?
  • What proof does the program have of previous success?
  • What methods does the program use to encourage positive interactions between the kids and the staff?
  • What is the average level of experience of the people who will be working with the kids?
  • What kind of training does the staff get?
  • What does the program do to keep the environment safe and healthy?
  • Is there any healthy food or snacks available as part of the program?
  • What is the program’s approach to involving families?
  • What should families expect in terms of communication?
  • What provisions does the program provide for children with special needs?
  • Is there any financial help or scholarships available for the program? How can you tell if you are eligible?

The greatest programs emphasize personal development so that kids are equipped and empowered for the future.


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